Why is WooCommerce the best E-Commerce Platform?

A thousand new e-Commerce businesses launch every year, and new retailers have no shortage of options to seek a platform. If you plan to establish an online store, you might have come across varied e-Commerce platforms available in the market. Among various more, Shopify, Magento, Woocommerce, Bigcommerce, and others are some of the best and leading e-Commerce platforms used by leading organizations worldwide.

Among all of them, WooCommerce serves as the best e-Commerce platform and for multiple reasons. Compared to other platforms, WooCommerce is recognized largely for its features, offerings, and benefits. It is particularly friendly to new e-Commerce merchants and is used by about 2.3 million e-Commerce stores around the world. The amalgamation of flexibility, power, and robust features makes the platform the leading choice among users.

What is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is a popular e-Commerce plugin for WordPress and simplifies the creation and management of an online store. Offering several reasonable levels of flexibility and features, including secure payments, tax management, shipping integration, and more, WooCommerce is undeniably the best e-Commerce plugin.

Reasons why WooCommerce platform is best for eCommerce:

Let us discuss the top-rated reasons why WooCommerce is considered the best e-commerce platform.

1. Ease to use and implement:

The ease to use proliferates a high demand among users, and WooCommerce ideally stands for so. It is effortless to use and is user friendly, and especially when compared to other significant e-Commerce platforms. As it is a WordPress plugin, it is equally user friendly while allowing users to transition easily. With a large number of users, as many as 53% of users using WordPress, there are several who would find using WooCommerce services to be relatively easy.

2. It is customizable and can grow with the business:

Customization is an important facet in every sphere, and so is in the realm of e-Commerce. The platform can be easily customized as it brings along with it a hundred paid and free extensions available to add functionality to WooCommerce. The extensions are beneficial for varied features such as marketing, payment gateways, reporting, accounting, and more. It allows businesses to opt for an extension and customize the store based on individual requirements.

3. It is free:

Who doesn’t get lured by the word free! Anything that comes with great quality and is also free is undoubtedly a cherry on the cake. While most of the other e-Commerce platforms cost money, this, on the other hand, is free. It offers customer engagement tools, detailed order tracking, and more that allows merchants to open and view orders, apply discounts, manage inventory, adjust tax settings, adjust shipping options, and, hence, everything that an eCommerce store requires. Hence, now you can no longer state that just because it comes free, it is basic!

4. Built-in features and plugins:

A number of platforms offer features to develop an e-commerce platform. However, when it comes to WooCommerce, the reliability and flexibility it offers make it the most widely preferred platform. It comes with various premium add-ons, which can help the business grow and with full potential. Its built-in features and plugins, along with advanced premium plugins and extensions, are beneficial to run an online store offering abundant products. A few advanced features, such as geo-location support and multiple currencies, allows store owners to invigorate an advanced functionality.

5. SEO friendly platform:

As you already must know, SEO plays a crucial role in ranking a website. If the online store wants to drive increased traffic on products, it is then imperative to get the product and website ranking. WooCommerce and WordPress make it a lot easier for businesses to get the product ranked. As WordPress is an SEO friendly CMS platform, hence it makes WooCommerce an SEO friendly platform. While SEO is the Mother of online business, hence there is no way that you can ignore one.

6. Inventory Management:

Inventory management serves as a crucial part of an online store, helping the store owners track and identify the stock levels. A number of businesses spend a few hundred and thousands of dollars on managing the inventory. However, at the end of the day, it becomes strenuous for the startup at initial phase to pay hefty amounts. However, with WooCommerce, its built-in inventory management system is exactly what an e-Commerce owner needs to track the stock level and update the reported stock after refund and purchase.

The inventory management offers notification and allows you to stay updated with the stock. Moreover, its built-up management hides an out of stock item automatically from the store. It allows you to control and manage the inventory with the help of two tabs, and using it can get the details pertaining to the stock. It furthermore helps to manage refunds, emails, orders, and everything else to make the store a successful one.

7. Robust customer support:

Availing a service must come with an easy to opt customer service. This stands true for WooCommerce, which is also why it is touted as the best platform for e-Commerce. Its strong customer support makes it the most accessible platform around the world. It had been found in the year 2011 and has been known for exceptional customer support since then. WooCommerce and WordPress are both open-source platforms, and hence that makes it accessible to the community at large.

Final Thoughts:

At present, about 42% of eCommerce platforms on the internet use WooCommerce, and hence it goes to show its impact and reliability as a platform. Hence, in short, it is the best e-Commerce platform as it offers a comprehensive solution that is easy to use, fast, and can readily adapt to the needs and requirements of the e-Commerce business.

If you are looking for an easily customizable, easy to use, and user-friendly platform trusted by varied e-Commerce businesses, look no further as WooCommerce is the platform to vouch for. Hire experienced and well versed WooCommerce developers and create a robust and interactive online e-Commerce story, equipped to reach out to a large customer base and maximize revenue for your business.